Monday, August 3, 2009

From Our Kitchen: Chocolate Guinness Goodness

Chocolate and Guinness. What a perfect pair. Kinda like Macaroni & Cheese, or Tomato & Basil, or Jay and Amie. Just so good together, don'tcha think?

Yesterday I was determined to make something (I had a strong urge to bake or cook) and since it was ridiculously hot, ice cream just made sense. Jay and I picked up the ingredients for Guinness Milk Chocolate Ice Cream at the market and got to work.

First you chop the chocolate:
Then you warm the milk, egg yolks, salt and sugar until it's a nice creamy custard. After it coats the back of the spoon, you pour the mixture through a mesh strainer onto the chocolate and stir it up. Next is the real good stuff: heavy cream, Guinness and vanilla.
The recipe suggests stirring the mixture over an ice bath until it cools, but we put it in our ice cream maker for about 30 minutes:
After it's cool, you must put it in the freezer to set. Unfortunately it wasn't ready last night so we had to wait until tonight to enjoy.
It was delicious! Jay has a bit of a cold so he can't really taste the Guinness (says it tastes like chocolate), but to me, Guinness is the headliner of the show. It's a delicious and unique dessert that we'll definitely make again! Slainte!! (which, yes, is the result of my Googling "Cheers in Ireland").


Tricia said...

yum, looks tasty, will you send me a scoop?

Tara and Jeff said...

ummm..thats looks amazing delicous, I want some really bad right about now. Can't wait for the recital dancing stars

Unknown said...

Sounds wonderful and looks great.