Thursday, August 21, 2008

Wedding Photos

In order to help consolidate all of the lovely photos many of you have been sending us, we have created a KodakGallery account for all the pictures. Please email us if you'd like the username & password and I will send it as soon as I can. I have already saved about 8 albums on there for everyone to look through - figured it was so much easier than forwarding everyone's albums back and forth! You can not only look at the albums, but can upload your own photos from that weekend to the account as well!

In either case, we would love to have your photos (email, on CD, etc.) if you are able to send them to us. We can even upload the pics to Kodak for you!  

I promise to post some of our favorite pics we have received so far shortly. It is quite a task going through all of them! In the meantime, here is one of my favorite pics that was on my camera. We had this taken at RiRa - an Irish pub on Church Street after the reception. It's a long story, but Guiness is a special drink for us so we had to end the night with a glass!


The Skaff Family said...

Congratulations on your marriage!!!! Make sure to add me to your list of people that you are sending the username and psw too, I can't wait to see all the pics!!!! Hope to see you soon:)

The Skaff Family said...

Ok, so how do I get that "widget" on my blog. Eric would really appreciate the whole Nebraska countdown.

Do tell......

And where's all the pictures lady?!?!?! R u guys coming to my dinner party on the 20th of Sept?