Sunday, January 18, 2009

New Suede Shoes

In preparation for our wedding day, Jay and I decided to take a few dancing lessons. We only had time for 3 short lessons before we headed to Vermont, but really enjoyed the time learning something new together. We had enough fun together that before we left, we signed up for a few more lessons to enjoy after we returned. 

In the rush of traveling and preparing for the wedding day we barely practiced, but I was so happy to have photos of us at least looking like we knew what we were doing! Here is a short video that Jeff & Tara captured of our first dance. Its funny looking back. I could critique our steps and speed, etc. all day, but one thing that I can't help but see is that we are both smiling and having a great time:

We have enjoyed learning the waltz, east coast & west coast swings, salsa, rumba, cha cha, and tango. Our instructor complimented us on how fast we pick things up (I'll give credit to Jay on this - his lead is what helps me remember!) and after six post-wedding lessons, we were admitted into their "Bronze" program for more intense training. Now don't get me wrong...we are in no shape to go out there and tear up the dance floor, but we are at least learning each dance on a deeper level. And in order to get to this level, we needed dancing shoes! Check them out: 

The reason that dancing shoes are so important is because they have a special suede sole that allows you to "feel the floor" better. I know it sounds odd, but man do they make a huge difference! I no longer trip or slide (as much) and am able to really feel confident about my steps. 

We have been going to lessons once a week since the wedding and look forward to that hour we have learning together. We both feel that taking the time to enjoy this hobby is an important part of our married life. It is something for just the two of us - something that is not watching tv, running errands or eating out. And someday, when we are old(er) and grey(er), we will kick butt on the dance floor during our children's weddings!


Unknown said...

Fun! Matt and I hope to take ballroom dancing back up again someday!! Maybe in Kansas when he's not workin 70 hours/wk and traveling Europe all the time!

It's so much fun! I'm jealous!
Love your shoes, Amie!

Tricia said...

Looks like fun! I love the wedding video of your first dance, how fun!

Deb said...

Love the shoes, the video and the stories. Especially love you both.

Tara and Jeff said...

When pigs fly you'll catch Jeff and I on the dance floor