Monday, July 27, 2009

Weekend Update: 1 Wedding and a BBQ

Friday night we went to our first LDS wedding. Toni is a very close friend of our friend Tori, so we've known her for many years. The ceremony took place at their ward in Gilbert, so we were allowed to attend and enjoy the festivities! Here is a photo of Brian (groom), Toni, Tori and Toni's son Seth: 
Serena, Tori, Isabel and Noah drove from San Diego. It was soooo nice to see them!
Me and the Matron of Honor:
I had planned to get a good one of Jay and I but he succeeded in avoiding the camera. Maybe next time!

Saturday after a long dance lesson, we headed over to a housewarming/birthday bbq at a friend of Jay's house. It was so hot outside and there wasn't a pool! We ended up going back and forth between the air conditioning inside and the misters outside to keep comfortable. The food was delicious and it was really nice company. 

Sunday Jay went to the bar with the boys while I got some shopping and sewing done. We also rented "Gran Torino" and I bawled! I loved it if you haven't seen it yet. 

We hope you had a fantastic weekend as well and a great week ahead! 


Tara and Jeff said...

I've the seen he movie and I admit I shedded a tear or two

Unknown said...

Looks like fun. Glad you're having time to sew. What's the movie about?