Friday, September 11, 2009

Weekend Update: Labor Day Weekend Part Three (Yes, there is more!)

Saturday night and back in Burlington, my aunt Valerie and uncle George hosted a family gathering so we could all hang out. It was sooo much fun! I love going to their house for many reasons - first because it's where my grandparents used to live and is a part of my childhood memories. Second because it's so homey and comfortable and never gets boring! Valerie is an expert gardener, so the backyard was filled with flowers:
Among the gardens in the backyard are a few farmyard friends:
And for fresh eggs every day:
Stacy and I got this picture in the vegetable garden among TALL stalks of corn (and sunflowers in the foreground):
Mom and I were excited to see each other!
Auntie Valerie - the gracious host of the party. Thanks to her, everyone had a great time and left with full bellies!
Everyone was so happy to see Jay. I am ALWAYS happy to see him :)

Jacques and Stacers:
Uncle David (my godfather) and Aunt Lisa. Thanks Aunt Lisa for dragging him out of the house :) I think he actually had fun even though this picture doesn't really look that way!
Jackie, Jenny, Uncle Ronnie, Justin and Mikey:
We broke out the fireworks!!!
I had to take this picture. Remember the one I took in this post? Well, this is much more comfortable!
I will leave you with this picture. We were using a little pitchfork like thing to roast marshmallows and it made us think of American Gothic. What do you think?


Deb said...

LOL - Thanks Amers - it was great fun pulling everyone toghether for a wonderful family gathering. Too bad we were missing Tricia and a few other family members...Next time hopefully we'll have everyone.

Kiera and Joe said...

I love the last picture!! Very funny!

Tara and Jeff said...

another awesome jealous !