Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Weekend Update: A Little Late

Did I tell you that Jay bought 30 POUNDS of lobster last week? Well, he did. That's a heck of a lot of (partially frozen) lobster and man does it stink up your house like nothing else. Anyway, all these creepy crawlies were filling up our freezer and he was soooo excited to eat them, so we had some on Wednesday night for dinner. I only had a tail as I'm not a huge fan in the first place. Not bad. Jay had 3 that day.

By Sunday, he was ready for more so we went over to Shane & Erin's house to cook some up and watch football.
Lobster was everywhere and the boys just stood there around the kitchen island eating until they were all gone. I think they went through close to 10! I had a salad.
My favorite part: we ended the meal with chocolate chip cookies and cake. Yum.


Tricia said...

Where did he get all of the lobster? That's an awful lot of lobster just to buy and store in the fridge. If you have any left you should make some lobster bisque. I'm not a huge fan of lobster alone, but in soup or ravioli it's delicious!

Anonymous said...

Way Yum! xoxox