Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I pooped my cherry......

My first blog.  I have been thinking about what to write for a long time.  I don't want to sound like an idiot, which is a given when I get out my soapbox and let er rip.  So I am choosing a topic that I am an expert about.  Marriage.   
I tell ya, this whole thing has been pretty damn easy, which makes me wonder why I didn't do this a long time ago.  My wife is great.  Always in a good mood, very loving, and happy to see me every day.  Now that we're on our "honeymoon", nothing could ever come between us. But that's the problem.  Before we got married, we had our ups and downs, our good times and bad.  There were days we needed to spend apart, either alone or with friends, just to unwind and appreciate the other person a little more than we had been.  
I know those days will come again.  Hopefully, later than sooner.  Until then, I am trying to make this "new and exciting" time together go on as long as possible.  And I'm trying.  Probably for the first time in my life, I am really trying.  When you first meet someone, doing the right and romantic thing is easy.  Part of the natural order of things, like any animal.  I consider myself a stallion if you will.  Not in the out to pasture ready to breed stallion (though my wife would like to think otherwise.  This is a topic that needs to be discussed later), but the longshot at the track.  See, I can bust out of the gate and lead most men around the first corner.  Even the backstretch doesn't look that daunting once it's in sight.  But I know that soon enough, I am going to bog down, and the race is going to get hard for me.  Not that I can't finish.  No, the problem will be keeping up the pace.
But I have an ace up my sleeve that most men don't have.  I know why I am an expert at marriage.  That's right.  I know the secret to marriage.  If you are a woman reading this, please, stop reading, and go retrieve your husbands or fiancees.  Have them read this next part.  They need to know the secret.  Ready?  Here it comes......
The secret to marriage is that I SUCK at it.  It's true.  I do.  I don't know what the hell I'm doing.  I love my wife.  I want to make her happy.  But as easy as marriage seems, there's a catch.  It isn't as easy as it seems.  That's the point, really.  The minute it seems easy, is the minute you stop trying.  The minute after you stop trying, is the minute your wife notices you stopped trying.  It is that simple.  
I know that no matter what we do, there are going to be days that are unbearable.  Excruciating really.  That is a fact of life.  Another fact is that I will be the cause of the majority of these days. But I am an expert on marriage.  As bad as I am at it, I will never stop trying.  That's why we WILL be happy.  That, and my wife always gives an A for effort. 

P.S  Yes, I meant to say pooped.  I love bathroom humor.


Tricia said...

I'm sure you're a wonderful husband and you make Amie very happy, plus you said pooped and that makes you a good man! I also love the bathroom humor.

Deb said...

You put tears in my eyes! I know, it doesn't take much to bring tears to my eyes. But this was a really endearing entry and it just shows why Amie is so much in love with you. You are a GREAT man and husband and AMIE is VERY LUCKY. Don't let her forget that.
Luv ya!

Tara and Jeff said...

Great Blog Jay ! Marriage is tough, but so worth it

Kiera and Joe said...

Great job on your first post Jay!! I am impressed :) And Amie is a lucky girl! I am so happy that you have each other :)

Anonymous said...

Oh my Mr.Davis -
I never thought I would meet any one as sappy as our Amie Leigh....
What a match!
I am so pleased!
Auntie V

Christi said...

I love the post. You should read Ryan's last post as well. I think you should keep posting. We miss you guys! Hope all is well!


Amie said...

Thank you everyone for your wonderful comments! ...and yes, I know, I'm pretty darn lucky :) Lets just hope that Jay keeps posting!