Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Weekend Update: Cowboy Up!!

Jay joined me on a business trip to the Toughest Cowboy finals in Chicago this past weekend. Toughest Cowboy is a reality show on SPIKE TV produced by Mark Burnett (Apprentice, etc.) in which cowboys compete in three events each night. One cowboy gets eliminated each week leaving the final, Toughest Cowboy with the grand prize of a ranch in Wyoming. My company is providing the ranch for the winner and sponsored 2 cowboys that were competing in the show. I was excited to bring Jay along to share with him what I've been working on for the past 6 months! I also went to the first show last month in Raleigh and had a great time so I wanted to share that part with him too!

We arrived in the Windy City around noon on Friday. It was a beautiful day, so we took the train from the airport into town and walked from there to our hotel. It was pretty cold and windy but we didn't really mind. We were luckily all bundled up!
Cool statue we walked past. I tried to get Jay to reenact it with me (we had our suitcase and everything!) but my request was quickly DENIED!

Overlooking the river

Trump Tower
Friday afternoon we went shopping on Michegan Avenue (aka: The Magnificent Mile) and then out to dinner with all of my co-workers and ended the night with a nightcap on top of the Hancock Building - 96th floor!

Jay and I at dinner.

Saturday we got up to catch the end of the hotel's free breakfast before taking a walk down to Navy Pier. It was only a few blustery blocks away from our hotel.

Jay pointing ahead as to say "I'm not stopping for a picture in this cold a%$ wind!!"

Looking back at the city

I had read in Southwest Airlines' inflight magazine that there was a coffee festival at Navy Pier this weekend, so was excited to check it out. Unfortunately the coffee fest ended up being a trade show, so the only thing we got to see was a Barista competition. As you can see, it was a pretty big deal (to these people at least):
We also were blessed with a beautiful snow storm on Saturday which was such a treat! Here is a picture from our hotel window. It was also fun to spy on people in the condos across the way. We saw things over there this weekend!

Toughest Cowboy was Saturday night at the United Center. We got there early to take pictures with our team and the cowboys we sponsor. It was great getting to show Jay around backstage and introduce him to everyone.

All of us posing on the dirt before the show.

Jay and the Bulls

The beginning of the show introducing the cowboys

A saddle bronc ride

I was so happy he was there with me this time!

Hanging out with the cowboys after the show while they signed autographs.

Toughest Cowboy was nice enough to let us take this cardboard cutout with us. It will be displayed at our Wyoming office on Wild Horse Ranch near Laramie. You'll have to watch the show to find out who won a beautiful piece of Wyoming :)

We left Sunday afternoon and after a few hassles with flight delays, got home around 9:30. We are both looking forward to a quieter and more relaxing weekend ahead :)


Unknown said...

Looks like you guys had a blast. Ahhhh, what I wouldn't give for a long weekend without kids to do something like that! I know, I know. Selfish mama!

Tricia said...

Where's the photo with your belt buckle? Glad you had fun, although where are the photos from the after party?

Deb said...

Sounds like a superb weekend. Noticed everyone had on their cowboy boots during the group picture.

The Skaff Family said...

Looks like fun! I have always wanted to visit the windy city! It looks beautiful!

Amie said...

Oh you can see my belt buckle if you look extra close in that group shot :) The after party this time was pretty lame so we just had drinks back at the hotel :)

kelley said...

seriously right before i read the caption under the photo of the statue (with the suitcases..) i thought - i'm suprised amie didn't make jay pose the same way! wish jay would have done it.. would have been hilarious!! glad you guys had fun!