Let me start this post off by saying that...phew...what a whirlwind the last week or so has been. Jay was sick, I got sick, we had family in town, a dance performance, and our 1st Anniversary! Due to this craziness and my lack of energy at the moment, I've decided to break all these events up into smaller posts that, hopefully, will wrap up before a new weekend starts!
So now. On to Post #1...
After success with our Guinness Milk Chocolate Ice Cream, we decided to try another flavor that we've been wanting to try for a while now. Avocado Ice Cream. Yup, you heard it right. Avocado Ice Cream. We are both fans of the show "Good Eats" on the FOOD Network and in the avocado-themed episode, Alton Brown made this unique treat.
You start off by blending avocados...
...with milk, lemon juice and sugar:
It makes this pretty green shake:
Then you whisk in heavy cream:
And chill it until it thickens.
I wish I had a final photo of it all scooped out because it looks pretty...um....green. If you didn't know any better you'd think it were maybe mint (but really it didn't even look mint at all - it's more of a yellow-green vs. the traditional mint green you see at the market).
Anyway - the general consensus was that it was ok. I personally didn't really enjoy it as it had a slight earthy/banana flavor to it that didn't float my boat. Jay and his parents ate it this weekend and it's almost gone, so they must not think it's that bad!
So I'm curious. Anyone have any unique tasty-sounding flavors we should try? Anything you've made yourself and really liked? Send 'em along and we just might give them a shot!
how about mojito ice cream?
Hmmm, certainly interesting.
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