Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Weekend Update: Family Visit!

Thursday afternoon, Jay's parents arrived after a 2-day drive from Colorado! It was so nice to see them! I felt so bad though because Jay was just getting over being sick and I had stayed home sick that day. But we didn't let that bring us down - we still had a very nice time together.

One stop we had to make was to Trader Joe's. Apparently you can't sell alcoholic beverages at grocery stores in Colorado so that has kept Trader Joe's out of the state. What a bummer! The good thing was that since they drove to visit us, there was plenty of room for 6 cases of 2-Buck Chuck!
Our dance performance was this past Saturday as well (special post on that coming up soon - stay tuned) so we were very excited to have them be able to watch what we've been working so hard on these past few months.
Saturday night after our dance performance, they took us out for a very nice Italian dinner at Caffe Boa - one of our favorite local restaurants.
Thank you so much for coming Karen and Ed! We really enjoyed having you here and look forward to seeing you again this fall!


Deb said...

Sounds like you all had a great time. Karen and Ed you look great as always.