Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Airport Lust?

Our friend Jeff took this photo and I just had to post it. It's the wallpaper on our laptop and when I look at it, it reminds me of what I love about the airport. Don't you just feel like you are there? Smell the jet fuel in the air, and feel the breeze as the rain rolls in...maybe a sprinkle here and there your shoulder. The tower there in the distance overlooking the Metroliners that have had a hard day's work. Ahhhhh, I just love it! Oh, and for those that don't know, this is one of the planes that Jay flies for work. All by himself (no co-pilot). What a man I have!!

P.S. Please check out Jeff's new website. He is starting a photography business and would be glad to take your next portraits for you and your family!


Unknown said...

Wait until you have kids, honey. Your view of airports may change. Not the first year, b/c they are pretty portable and easy. But, when they start running around, wanting to go in every shop, reject food you packed and beg for food in the shops and restaurants, scream, need diaper changes, puke, run away from you, refuse to get on the plane, throw fits on the plane so badly, you know you should buy everyone around you a round of drinks. Fun fun fun times. But, the views of the airport, like the one you posted, and the dream of flying in peace and order, are still there!

Deb said...

Natalie, don't be so pessimistic.
You are just jealous of the tranquility that is in the picture. One day your children will be all grown and gone and youwill miss the hustle and bustle of little ones......

Amie said...

Just to clarify, the main point of this post was about my love of flying (not as a passenger - as the pilot) and how I miss being in that environment on a daily basis. Nothing to do with the terminal, checking luggage, or waiting at the gate. I'm sure that someday when we have little ones, we will have our hands full - but that's a different post!

Unknown said...

Oh, I was just picking. I used to LOVE to fly (well, not literally). I loved waiting at the airport enjoying views like this. While I love my kids, they sometimes can suck the joy out of it now! But, I digress!