Tuesday, June 9, 2009

From Our Kitchen: Pudding Pops!

Have you ever tried making frozen yogurt by throwing a container of it in the freezer and hoping it would magically turn into a yummy creamy dessert? Or maybe attempt making pudding pops by expertly pouring regular pudding into popsicle makers and thinking they would be just as good as the ones Bill Cosby used to promote when we were little? Well if you have, you know that it just doesn't work that way! Jay and I have yet to find a homemade frozen yogurt recipe that we like (you might as well make a full-fat ice cream if you're going homemade as far as we're concerned), but I found this easy & delicious recipe for pudding pops a couple weeks ago and gave it a shot. Have I told you it's delicious? And low fat/calorie? 

The first time, I made them with chocolate pudding and no Oreo cookies (remember the low fat/calorie part?) and was very pleased. This time, I chose banana (Jay's favorite so far)!
Variations: I used Sugar-Free pudding and fat-free Cool Whip. The recipe calls for the big box (3.9oz) of pudding, but I had a regular sized box, so reduced the milk and Cool Whip by 1/2. 

And voila! Delicious, 70-ish calorie treats you can enjoy all summer long! 


Anonymous said...

Pudding pops are delicious but sugar free - why would one want that? :)

Deb said...

Yummy - would like one right about now.